Dusty Rich the artist has recently returned to Earth. It's not known where he was before. He returned to Earth in the country South Africa through the womb of a woman. He now keeps his things on the East Coast of Australia in a human-run settlement known as Brisbane.
Versed in multiple art disciplines but prefers the speed and noxious fumes of aerosol spray cans. Creating pieces that are sharper than the corner of a lego block on bare feet, louder than a metal band playing on your earlobe and more vibrant than a newly discovered constellation. Just like his personality.
Exhibiting his work from A solar system to a gallery or wall near you.
Dusty's art style is asiluebcoayurlbfiuq4259812-3788safddfg0svnlkjsdbv/..,,. But you can see that.
Dusty will paint on anything that stays still for long enough, canvas, walls, wood, beer cans, skateboards, people waiting for a bus...anything.
Dusty is currently working in his next exhibition, he's always doing that, forever.